In 1 year

In precisely 1 year I will be graduating from college.

That is crazy.  I have just realized that if I want to apply to work for a big corporate job, most of those applications are due early August.  Meaning, I need to apply and submit my resume, cover letter, and application now before I head off to Europe.

I am torn between taking the minimum amount of classes and doing an average amount of work hours so that I can enjoy going out more.  But at the same time I want to take all the classes I am actually interested in and get another job to get a little more experience before I graduate.

AND I’m even constantly juggling choosing the geographic location of my first post grad job.  Do I want to live at home to save money, at least live in California to be closer to my family, or live in a different state (not CA or AZ) for a couple years.  One day I want to live somewhat near home to be with my friends and other days I want to be in big coastal city (Chicago, Boston, NYC).  I want to be grown up and make these decisions, but I want to be young and not make these decisions.

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