For the past week I’ve been thinking about blogging about…turning 20 in two weeks. LOTS of revelations. 

But I decided it can wait. I want to talk about WATER!

My involvement with Global Water Brigades has inspired me to look at other projects, especially ones that are more established.

I was really excited about Proctor and Gambel’s My Give program.  P & G is a world renowned company and It has the money to do so many things!  They have a water giving sector or whatever its called, but…it sucks.  They don’t teach the people how to get water but just give them sanitary water packets! Eventually those will run out and it is in NO WAY sustainable! So please…although it sounds great…DO NOT give into P&G My Give Water.  It is helping no one in the long run.

Water.Org: famously known started by Matt Damon.  They dig wells in countries and provide them with sanitary solutions.  This is a project I am all for!  Of course Matt Damon would do something like this, he is a millionaire…and a Celtic fan which makes him more awesome.  (If he wasn’t married and a celebrity, I would want him, badly!)  So I support this program.  It has a lot of great funds coming in and out.  They have a lot of interaction with the community and actually teach them to build a better life = sustainability.  It also helps when you have a millionaire and all his millionaire friends believing in the project. Charity:Water- At first I didn’t know what to think about this project, until I watched Scott’s Story.  Scott is the founder of Charity:water, and is just like any other hopeful entrepreneur.  He started with himself and just a couple friends.  In just 18 months they raised $2.7 mil, and looked to expand. Basically, he succeeded because he was determined.  He used clean designs, countless hours, international experience, lots of research, and great networking and emailing skills to get him where his company is today.  One article said that Charity:Water attracts people because of its design like Twitter and Instagram.  That is all companies need now with social media!  Another great thing about Charity:Water as I thoroughly stalked their blogs and read about their interns.  One of them has volunteered for years with Global Water Brigades!  That made me so inspired to keep pursuing clean water efforts even after I graduate, which is my dream of course.  Charity:Water then nicely flows me into TOMS shoes.   Both orgs partnered with each other to basically say that- with clean water and shoes, kids are more likely to go and succeed in school.  My uncertainty for Charity:Water, turned into love.  They are social entrepreneurs who truly use social media for good, which is what I initially want to do with my education.  #goals#inspiration#motives If you didn’t know, 1 billion people lack access to clean water.  About 3 million die each year from water related diseases.  In order for people in developing countries to create a better life for themselves, it all starts with water.

After my brigade I began looking for big companies that has water as their goal.  Being  on a mission, I tried to partner and get any help from these companies, but realized that now is not the time.  Global Water Brigades is something that I need to concentrate on because it is a student-led movement which is something I need to take advantage of, while I am still a student.  GWB is the best for me now because I can tell donors, I know where your money goes.  I can show you that it actually goes in the right hands!  (now this might just get me started on food banks, which should be a whole different post). I need to learn as much as I can from GWB so eventually I can move on to these bigger ones and have my impact be on a larger global scale.  What I mean on global scale is really for some organization to go to the Philippines.

All these great orgs that I’m trying to learn about and feel so determined by, and yet none go to the Philippines.  I guess that’s my job 🙂

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